Bed and Breakfast


Servizi - Services

Garden - Garten

Parcheggio privato custodito
Private Parking - Privatparkplatz

Swimming Pool - Schwimmbad
Accesso per portatori di handicap
Acces for handicapped - Zimmer for Behinderte

Ricche ed abbondanti colazioni preparate in casa
Rich home-made breakfast - Reichliches Hausfruhstuck

Accettazione gruppi
Groups accepted - Gruppen werden angenommen
Postazione Internet
Internet station

Trasporto da/per la stazione ferrioviaria-aereoporto
Transportation from/to the railway-airport
Banhof-Flughafen transfer

Heating - Heizung
TV Satellitare
Sat TV - TV Sat
Alarm - Wecker

A disposizione dei clienti abbiamo materiale informativo su musei, mostre, sagre, spettacoli, concerti, teatri, fiere, manifestazioni ed eventi vari, bellezze naturalistiche dei dintorni di Bologna.

At our guests disposal we keep informative materials about museums, exhibits, festivals, shows, concerts, theatres, trade fairs, expositions and various other events as well as natural landmarks to be found in the vicinity of Bologna.

Für unsere Gäste halten wir zahlreiche Informationen zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten von Bologna und seiner Umgebung bereit. Wir bieten Ihnen zum Beispiel Informationsmaterial über Museen, Ausstellungen, Festivals, Konzert- und Theateraufführungen sowie Naturdenkmäler.